
# Accessibility

No Usability Without Accessibility – Commonalities and Differences Of Usability and Accessibility

Usability and accessibility are closely related aspects of web development. Some mistakenly think that these two terms are interchangeable, even though they are different, their goals, approaches, and guidelines can overlap significantly, and one (accessibility) can exist without the other (usability) ... 6 min read

Julia Undeutsch


# Accessibility

But what about internal software?

With panic levels about the European Accessibility Act (EAA) rising, I keep encountering people who are certain this doesn’t apply to them because they work on internal tools ... 3 min read

Laura Wissiak


# Accessibility

Why fulfilling the WCAG is not enough

Everybody and their work mom is talking about the European Accessibility Act, and many are longing for clear instructions on what the heck to do. Not to rain on your work laptop, but even if you follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines ... 3 min read

Laura Wissiak


# Accessibility

Accessibility: The What, Why & How

Web accessibility has fortunately been getting more and more attention lately. But many people still don’t know what web accessibility actually is and why it’s so important. Let’s get an overall understanding on accessibility by introducing you to this topic ... 5 min read

Julia Undeutsch


# Accessibility

POUR - The 4 Web Accessibility Principles

To qualify your website and web application as accessible under the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0) established by the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Accessibility Initiative (W3C WAI), the content must meet these four principles (which form the acronym POUR) ... 5 min read

Julia Undeutsch


# Accessibility

Myths and Misconceptions about Accessibility

In this article, I will address common myths about and objections to accessibility by presenting evidence and examples that debunk them and support reasons for accessibility ... 3 min read

Julia Undeutsch


# Accessibility

Web accessibility for better togetherness

The Vienna district where I live organizes an event called “Miteinander in Mariahilf” (en.: Together in Mariahilf), where locals can contribute different ideas for a better living together. This is where my specialty web accessibility comes into action. Let me share my thoughts ... 1 min read

Julia Undeutsch
