2023 has been eventful here at Accessibility First
Laura Wissiak
2023 has been eventful here at Accessibility First!
The biggest happening: Laura has joined the party
For 1 year, Accessibility First had been a one-man show run by Julia alone. Her goal was to share learnings about accessibility, design, development, and testing and help professionals get started on their web accessibility journey. With Laura on the team, readers can now gain more insight into the practical experiences of people with disabilities, accessibility issues in the real world, and the architectural environment (not just the web world).
A brand new Website
Our dreams grew too big to be contained on a WordPress site. So Julia got to work and built us a new website! With full control over how we present out content, we hope to bring you more insights and anecdotes. Of course, we also made sure to paint it purple just in time for #IDPD24
March for Inclusion
Of course we joined the March for Inclusion! Accessibility doesn't end with a perfect AAA score on the WCAG. Accessibility is a means to an end: Inclusion. All our efforts to make the web more accessible are ultimately just one component to ensure persons with disabilities can lead a self-determined life. And that requires societal changes as well! It's important to us to not stop our quest for accessibility in the online world, but to also show up for the inclusion end game!
Julia became a GDE
Our web accessibility specialist was recognized as a Google Development Expert and will be focusing on Accessibility within the Google products next year.
Digital Accessibility Meetups kicked off in Vienna
Born as a spin-off from the UX Vienna Meetup, the first Meetup with a focus on accessibility started on December 7th, what a date to remember! Half of Accessibility First witnessed it, with Laura participating in the panel discussion as the UX Research perspective.
Here's to learning even more and making the future more accessible in 2024!